RO Anti-scalant

PERMATREAT 191T General RO Antiscalant

RO Anti-scale permatreat 191 / water treatment chemical is highly effective liquid RO antiscalant.
• It is suitable to treat brackish, high salinity, process and effluent feed-waters.
• It can be used in reverse osmosis (RO), nano-filtration (NF) and ultra-filtration (UF) system.
• It is compatible with all of the leading RO membranes.
• It can extend the membrane life and reduce the running cost.
• Effectively controls scales including CaCO3, CaSO4, SrSO4, BaSO4, CaF2, SiO2, Fe2O3, etc.
• Has approval from major membrane manufacturers like DOW,Hydranautics,Osmonics & also from NSF,KIWA & DWI.

PermaTreat 510 :Silica Antiscalant
Description and Use
PermaTreat 510 is a synergistic blend of threshold antiscalants and dispersants, developed specifically as a membrane antifoulant for high silica feed-waters. PermaTreat 510 allows plant operation withreject brine silica levels up to 240 mg/l at 30C and pH 7.5. PermaTreat 510 is also an effectiveinhibitor for calcium salts and is not deactivated in the presence of iron.

Product Benefits
• Effective silica and calcium salt antifoulant in all types of water
• Liquid product, safe and simple to handle
• Enables recovery rates to be maximized
• Compatible with all membrane types
• Effective over a wide pH range